Friday, March 9, 2007

Surprising Sun


One of Jung’s major discoveries is the psychological significance of the number four as it relates to the symbolism of psychic wholeness.... Images that emphasize a circle with the additional feature of a quaternity represent the Self.

Edward Edinger, Ego and Archetype

My wife returned, the days lengthened, the sun came out, and my spirits lifted. I vividly remember this day in mid-January, the first day when I felt some kind of hope:

A surprising sun
Rising in a cold blue sky
Lightens the birches


When I looked at the drawing I made, it was the first one that depicted an external reality, and I assumed that it meant I had finally been able to return more to the outside world.

Now, more than a year later, the drawing takes on an alchemical significance.

Out of the blue, I had chosen to draw four lines and a circle.


My Zimbio
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